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How to Close More Credit Repair Sales

By: Keenan Jones Last updated: April 24, 2024

credit repair salesGood fishermen know that they won’t catch every fish that bites. They also know what they can do to improve the likelihood of catching those fish. The right bait, a practiced and perfected technique, and knowledge of the type of fish they are targeting will increase the amount of fish they land in their boat.

Just like fishing, closing sales in your credit repair business is a skill that you can develop and refine.Many business owners understand the sales funnel, use a sales script, and know how to utilize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), yet still aren’t seeing the sales numbers they want. Do you have clients who are biting but find yourself unable to land the sale? Learn these strategies to land more sales in your boat and close them with ease.

1. Create a Relationship

A prospective client can tell if you are being genuine or are just looking to make a quick buck. The more clients see you as a real person with their best interests in mind, the more likely they are to trust you to repair their credit.

Be Authentic

It’s important to understand the sales process, but sounding too scripted can turn clients off. Be friendly and ask questions about the client’s life. While it may seem unrelated to closing credit repair sales, getting to know prospective clients can give you key insight into what motivates them and may give you the key to getting them to purchase your services.

In the credit repair industry, you are given personal and sensitive information about a client. They may feel hesitant about divulging such personal information, especially if their credit is less than stellar. When you help prospective clients feel heard, valued, and understood, you will close more sales.


When you are getting to know potential clients by asking questions, make sure you truly listen to their answers. Often, our mind is so wrapped up in remembering the sales process or thinking about what to say next, that we don’t listen to what the client is saying. When we truly listen, most prospective clients will tell us exactly what we need to know to help and to close the sale.

2. Focus on the Benefit

When clients understand how credit repair can personally benefit them, they are more likely to retain your services. Focus on the value of your services and how credit repair can positively affect a client’s life. A higher credit score can help a client:

  • Get their dream home or car at the best loan interest rate
  • Pay lower insurance rates
  • Get a higher credit limit
  • Stop debt-collector harassment

With the right tools, such as Credit Repair Cloud’s easy-to-use software, you can help potential clients get access to information within seconds and be able to give them specific insights into their credit score and what you can do to help them.

Create Urgency

Create a sense of urgency for a prospective client to sign up with you for credit repair. If clients feel like they might miss out on an opportunity for help, they are more likely to commit. Deals and one-time offers are often the incentive that potential clients need, giving you that extra push to close more credit repair sales.

Set yourself apart from other credit repair businesses by providing extra credit repair services. Explain to your prospective client that you will provide bonuses such as free reports, one-on-one coaching, and other freebies as part of the deal.

Ask for the Sale


Many business owners are great at connecting with potential clients and teaching them about what credit repair can do for them. We often get so focused on the sales process that we forget the most important step - directly asking for their business. There are many different closing strategies, and memorizing different closing lines can help you with closing a credit repair sale. Here are a few to try: 

  • “It seems like you could really benefit from credit repair. What do you think?”
  • “Would you like my help to get your credit back on track?”
  • “Ready to move forward? I can start repairing your credit today.”

3. Understand and Overcome Hesitations

A prospective client’s objections and hesitations are your biggest hurdle to closing credit repair sales. When you are prepared ahead of time to answer their objections, you won’t be caught off-guard. Often you will have to directly ask what their hesitations are in order to address them. When a prospect’s concerns are addressed, they are more likely to commit. A few common hesitations that you should be prepared to answer are:

  • How long will it take to see improvement of my credit score?
  • What are your qualifications as a credit repair business?
  • Will my credit score have points reduced when we run my credit?

 Make sure you know the answers to these common questions and more. Check out this training and extensive learning resources as you build your business.

Practice makes perfect.

The best way to perfect your closing strategies is to get yourself in front of as many prospects as you can. The more you practice your closing lines, the more questions and hesitations you answer, the better and more adept you will become at closing credit repair sales.

For more information on developing your sales closing technique, check out Credit Repair Clouds in-depth training resources.

When you know how to close credit repair sales, you're one step closer to building your profitable credit repair business. Read our guide on how to get started in a successful credit repair business today!

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