Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

10 Steps To A Profitable Credit Repair Business

Written by Daniel Rosen | September 29, 2020

Would you like my PROVEN process to launching a profitable credit repair business in just a handful of steps? 

Now, the best way to do this to have a Credit Repair Cloud membership. So before I dive in, if you don’t have an account with us yet - I’ll give you one absolutely free for 30 days. So go sign up quickly at so you can follow this super simple flow I’m going to show you today!

Some of us just aren’t a gifted “techie”. We get easily overwhelmed when trying to learn and new software. I know it might be hard to believe, but I’m not techie AT ALL even though I’m the founder of CRC! That’s why now that we have an entire development team, we work hard to make it extremely user friendly! 

If I can use it - ANYBODY can use it!


When I started I obsessed over credit repair and learning the ins and outs of disputing in order to try and resolve a bank error that nearly cost me my home. The problem was I’d be locked up in my room like a monk all day, every day - some days I’d get headaches because I didn’t even eat! This went on for MONTHS just to get ONE error removed! 

I knew there had to be a better way. The problem was when I looked for a software - there weren’t any! That’s when I shifted my focus to developing the first version of credit repair software so that it would be simple, quick, and easy to dispute items on the report and help raise someone’s credit score. 

Fast-forward almost two decades and now we’re the industry leader in credit repair software and as I said, have a whole development team working to roll out new features and streamline everything so that what used to take me months, now takes our Credit Heroes a matter of minutes to do!

Here’s Why This Matters: 

  1. By knowing the flow of how to use the software you cut down on costly mistakes! 
  2. When you’re first starting, it’s intimidating to know what to do and when. By following an easy to understand flow, you know you won’t miss anything and you’re able to learn quickly. 
  3. Once you get comfortable with the software you’re able to grow and scale your business much faster!

So here are the steps you need to take to launch and build your successful credit repair business. 

Now, I’m keeping this very simple because I want to prove to you how easy it really is. If you want to dive deeper and really understand how to execute each step, join our next Credit Hero Challenge!

Simple Steps To Starting Your Credit Repair Business Inside Of Credit Repair Cloud

Step One: 

A new lead appears in your CRC from your site or an affiliate. You invite them for a “free consultation and credit audit.”

Step Two:

You instruct the lead to sign up for credit IQ to get all 3 reports and scores for $1

Step Three: 

Potential clients share login details with you, so you can import the report into CRC. 

Step Four:

Import the report and run Simple Audit. A credit analysis report wows the client and explains your services. It’s your greatest sales tool ever. 

Step Five: 

You close the deal, change the lead to a Client, complete their profile, add the client’s credit card for recurring monthly payments.

Step Six: 

Your client logs into their portal, signs your agreement watches a video about your process and uploads the relevant documents. 

Step Seven:

You’ll then view the pending report, where CRC has analyzed and flagged the negative items. Tag each item with a reason and instruction, and save your work. 

Congratulations, you’ve just planned the entire lifecycle of this client!

Step Eight: 

Run the dispute wizard to add up to 5 items to send dispute letters. Send to all 3 bureaus and wait 30 days for bureaus to respond. Update changes in CRC. Repeat with 5 new items each month.

Step Nine:

Lather, rinse, & repeat - If a bureau claims an item is verified, challenge it with a new letter. Or, the items are removed, your client sees results, continues to pay your monthly fee, you get an amazing testimonial from them, and they refer their friends to you!

Step Ten:

Once you’ve nailed the basics, it’s time to grow and scale! 

Remember credit repair is a PEOPLE business. When a client sees results, capture their excitement with a testimonial. Show the results on your site and on Facebook. 

Each month, just add a few more paying clients and your revenue will keep growing!

With Credit Repair Cloud, it REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE!

So if you want to dive in and really understand the ins and outs of credit repair and how to launch a credit repair business - FAST, I want to invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge.


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