Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

Change Your Life with The Power of Belief

Written by Daniel Rosen | January 11, 2022

Did you ever wonder why some people become so successful so fast, and others don’t? 

Is it luck?  No. 

It’s belief, motivation, and consistency. 

You have a choice… You can believe in yourself that you are destined for greatness… 

Or you can believe that you’re not. AND you’ll stay exactly where you are in life. And that’s entirely up to you. 

I’ve struggled with mindset before. When a bank error messed up my life and my credit, I felt like I was a loser. I had started and failed at so many businesses, and I didn’t think I could ever be successful.  

But that was the spark that lit a giant fire. A fire that’s still there today.

Through sweat and tears, and lots of failures, I kept believing that this would work, and one day, it just did.

Maybe you’ve struggled before too or maybe you’re struggling right now. Just know you are NOT ALONE. 

That’s why I wanted to share about someone who helped change my mindset and BELIEVE.


His name is Hal Elrod. He nearly died in a traumatic car accident where he broke 11 bones and was dead for 6 minutes. His parents were told that IF he was able to wake up from his coma, he still may never walk again and he’d probably have permanent brain damage. 

But six days later Hal did wake up. He went on to do all kinds of amazing things like ultra-marathons, writing bestselling books, keynote speaking and he even became a hip-hop artist. 

He did all of this impressive stuff by following a system he created called The Miracle Morning. It’s all about transforming your life by following 6 simple steps that Hal calls SAVERS. 

Silence: Focuses on clearing your mind and starting your day in peace whether it’s prayer, meditation, reflection, or gratitude.

Affirmations: These are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to support yourself on your journey to success. “I can do this” and “I’m going to have 100 clients!”, as you keep repeating and believing in these affirmations, they become reality. I think that’s the most powerful part of this whole thing. 

Visualization: Try closing your eyes and seeing the future you want. The more you visualize, the more you convince yourself that these things you want, the life you want, is all within your reach, and guess what? IT IS!

Exercise: Move your body every day in a way that works for you. A healthy body brings a healthy mind and you’ll find yourself with more energy, and self-confidence.  

Reading: Read or watch things that help inspire you to better your life.  If that also means reading or watching everything you can about credit repair, then yes, do it! 

Scripting: Also known as journaling, take the time to write down your goals, insights, successes, and lessons throughout your journey. 

It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can spend just a few minutes a day on these things… 

The important thing is creating daily habits and building belief in yourself. You CAN be successful. 

Through my own struggles, I’ve worked hard to create a shortcut for you. You have a framework and support from all of us here at Credit Repair Cloud...and you have software that reduces most of the work to a few clicks! 

And now there are nearly 50 millionaires and thousands of people who have quit their 9-5 and fired their boss, all by using the system that I created to build their own futures, to create THEIR success.  

If you’re looking for a sign to get started, this IS it! Add these things into your routine in a way that works for you. Stay consistent and BELIEVE in yourself. It’s not just about listening, it’s about believing and doing, and EXECUTING.

AND if you want to get certified in disputing and launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks, I invite you to join our Credit Hero Challenge!

It’s an amazing program that has helped tons of Credit Heroes get their first clients, get certified in disputing, and gain confidence in knowing they are launching their credit repair business on a solid foundation that allows them to grow and scale FAST! 

We’re starting again soon, so SIGN UP NOW at!

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