Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

How to Bootstrap Your Dreams from Nothing

Written by Daniel Rosen | October 04, 2022


This Blog contains references to sensitive topics like trauma, depression, and other matters that some readers might find unsettling. 


Hello Everyone

I shot a video that's going to get me into a lot of trouble!

We weren't allowed to film it, but we did anyway because I wanted you to see it!

And if you're an entrepreneur, you NEED to see it! 

It's all about how to overcome obstacles in life and business so you can get to the other side and achieve your dreams. And on this week's Podcast, I'm sharing it with you!

So last week, I did something really cool that I want to share with you. I flew to Orlando, Florida, with some members of our CRC team, to an event called Funnel Hacking Live

Here's a picture of me and Keenan and Polo, Troy, and Matt.

It's an event held by Russell Brunson and Clickfunnels, where we've learned all our marketing tactics to grow CRC. 

And I was amazed that so many of our Credit Heroes were there!

If you were there, it was so awesome to meet you! I wish I had taken more selfies, but here are two amazing Credit Heroes that I did take a selfie with on my phone so I can show you.

This is Dave Cousins and Michael Drake, two Credit Heroes with a huge YouTube channel that's blowing up their Credit Repair business!

But they're not just Credit Heroes. They're REAL heroes!

They met while on active duty in the US Navy, and they both came home from active duty with credit issues. Now they're fighting a war on poverty, and they're changing lives!  

It was so cool to meet them and to meet more Credit Heroes who were learning, growing, and bettering themselves, just like I was! 

It was actually a really special day for me. I won a huge award which was really amazing. It was the award for Bootstrapped Entrepreneur of the Year

Winning that award meant a lot because a bootstrapper is someone who has built a business from nothing, without taking on investors, without having money, without borrowing money, literally doing it all from nothing the hard way.

I was up against a lot of talented and successful people, even one guy who owns a jet. 

But I won!

And I won because the audience related more to me and my story. 

After I won the award, they asked me to come up onstage in front of more than 5000 people to tell my bootstrapping journey. 

They told us we weren't allowed to record video, but Keenan shot it from his seat with his iPhone.

Sorry, Russel.

But we had to do it because I needed to share it with you!

I know you're going to relate, and I hope my story can help motivate you through whatever is holding you back with your business or your life.

Before we get started, I want to tell you some things I've never told anyone, not even my family.  

I believe I have ADHD Hyperfocus, which is the opposite of what you think of when you imagine people with ADHD. It's on the spectrum of autism. When I get focused on something, that's all I can think about or do, and when I'm in that mode, I don't eat or bathe or even remember meetings. I just obsess about the thing that I'm working on with extreme focus, and all the rest of the world is gone while I'm in that zone.

I've spent years at a time in that state. It's not very healthy.  I've worked really hard on it, and I now have a morning routine that includes showering and brushing my teeth and eating, but it's still a work in progress. I take it one day at a time. 

I have other baggage. Some of it isn't easy to talk about. 

I was molested as a child by a woman who was supposed to be taking care of me.

I experienced trauma. 

I experienced homelessness. 

I have panic attacks.

I have depression.

I have imposter syndrome.

I also have extreme stage fright. I always have. That's why I quit show business. Over time, the panic got worse and worse instead of better. 

And for the first few years of Credit Repair Cloud, I didn't tell my story.  

I hid who I was because I was ashamed. 

I didn't even have my picture on the cover of my book. Think about that!

This is the first edition of my book… 

It had this clipart guy. I have no idea who that man is! I don't know him. But I had him on the cover of my book because I felt like I was fat, and I was too afraid to show my face.  

ALL THIS, and still, a few nights ago, I got up onstage in front of more than 5000 people at Funnel Hacking Live, and I talked about my journey. 

I'm telling you all this because we all have baggage. 

Most people hide their baggage and just show you the impressive parts. But that's not honest. It's a character we show other people that looks like us but isn't who we really are.

We all have things to overcome, but when you call them out and embrace them, you take your power back!

I also tell you these things because I want you to know I'm the least likely success story. 

And I want you to see this video because I want you to know that entrepreneurship isn't pretty. 

It's messy. It's a journey that's full of drama and pain. There are a lot of obstacles, and it's really hard. It's like when the guy in The Shawshank Redemption swam through miles of shit to reach freedom.   

It's a hard journey, but if you can keep pushing long enough to make it through to the other side, you'll be free. 

I shared this story with 5000 entrepreneurs, and I'd like to share it with you. 

I want you to know that no matter what shit life throws at you if you keep obsessing and pushing to get closer to your dream, you will eventually make it to the other side. 

So again, we weren't allowed to shoot this video, but we did anyway because I really want you to see it, which is another lesson all entrepreneurs should learn. Sometimes you have to break a few rules if it's ultimately going to help a lot of people!

So here's my crazy bootstrapping story from onstage two nights ago at Funnel Hacking Live, shot by Keenan in his seat…


So that's my story.  

I hope this motivates you through whatever obstacles you're facing. 

Just keep pushing forward, and eventually, you will get t to the other side. 

If someone you know needs to hear this, please share it with them. 

If I can be of any help, let me know down below. Or, if you have any questions or comments, drop them down below because I read each and every one of them. 

If you or anyone you know has experienced sexual abuse or assault, you're not alone. 

Help is ALWAYS available.

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Thanks for listening. 

Keep changing lives!

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