Wanna know how to take basic knowledge about how to find and resolve credit discrepancies and turn that into a successful business?
Well, today I’m joined by Rabieh Tayfour, the Founder of Fast Freedom Academy. He’s going to share how he built his very successful credit repair business from nothing.
Our most successful credit heroes, the ones who make a great living and make a massive impact, really care about helping people and changing lives!
With an energy that is addictive and an honesty that radiates, Rabieh Tayfour provides amazing advice to anyone who’ll listen.
And he specializes in taking clients from ZERO to HERO in as little as 30-45 days!
So, please welcome to the podcast, the Oracle of Finance, Rabieh Tayfour!
Here’s some of the top highlights from my chat with Rabieh.
Let's start with your story. Where did you grow up? Where are you now? And what was your life like before credit repair?
I was born in Hollywood, Florida. And I had a pretty rough life in the beginning. My brother was murdered when I was younger. And my life took a pretty crazy turn. I went to go see a psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist put me on Xanax from there. My life just went downhill for over 15 years. I was just mentally not there. Never had $1 in my pocket. I didn't know anything about credit, finances, anything.
When I had my kids, that's what really changed everything. My actual kid's mother told my daughter that Daddy can't afford to buy your diapers. That was when I stopped, and that's when my life took a full turn.
Most people start to learn about credit repair because they have credit issues of their own. Did you have credit issues of your own?
Funnily enough, I did. I had a 400 credit score about four years ago when my timeshare vacation company started sinking. We have no lender who would approve us for any traditional loans with any good interest rates. The only lenders or supposedly they call themselves lenders, but they're really brokers that would approve us. Our only MCA is what and what those are, those are actual merchant cash advances. But their interest rate is anywhere from 25 to 69%. And they actually take their deposits out on either a daily basis or a weekly basis. So those types of loan sync companies quickly and that's all that we were able to get from there. That's when I knew it was time that this was the path that I needed to go on.
How did you first start to turn credit repair into a business?
You have to have systems, you can't do this on your own. This is not for the weak, you're dealing with people's lives. When you do credit repair, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the credit heroes can definitely attest to this, is when you sign up a client and you tell them listen, we have packages one is 30 to 90 days, one is four to nine months. Right after you sign them up about a week and a half later. They call you and say okay, am I done that I get results. So man oh man, oh man, everybody wants things now.
So I learned from my mentor that we got to set up systems. Not only that, I have obviously the best CRM in the world and I'm not saying that because of you. It really is awesome. I could be driving in my car, I could be in the office, I can be on the beach, I can be wherever I want. I'll pull it up on my iPad or my computer with Credit Repair Cloud. With obviously systems that I have which help and also my amazing VAs.
So how did you find your first client?
The first three clients, I did free to prove and show results. My first couple of results were out of this world, I believe the first one and 30 days, we got 195 deletions, the second one was like 280. I didn't think that was possible.
But this guy had a lot of derogatory, including inquiries, obviously. And then from there, we started Facebook ads. And we started off at a low at a very low price point. Now my package is more of a high ticket because there's a lot more value in what I provide.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I wake up and it's an automatic alarm clock at 3 AM, 4 AM. My wife thinks I'm crazy. Never past five. But man, I'm up at 3 AM and I jump in my Corvette, which is pretty badass, by the way. And I go to the gym or I come here to the office. And the reason why I do that is I learned from a lot of wealthy people is that they would wake up, meditate, have coffee, and then it's a great time to start your day. Why in my personal opinion, is because the whole world sleep thing so your phone's not gonna ring, you're not gonna get any text messages. So I typically get a lot of my work done. I go crazy with processing things and with finishing things from 3:30 to 7:30 After 7:30 the whole world wakes up and then my phone drives me crazy. And then from there I used to work till six now I work till three. I then go home, I enjoy my family, my monkey. And I usually sleep like an old man like around nine o'clock.
What's the most important thing a credit repair specialist should do to expand their business?
One thing is Credit Repair Cloud, because every other system sucks. And the second thing is to set up systems. And then the next step is building your team. And then, from there, you need to sharpen your knowledge. And then the last thing that I believe that I innovated would be the audit, right?
So you have to explain your product to the client. How are you going to sell something, and the client doesn't even understand how you're going to show them? You can't just say, okay, give me $5,000 or $2,000, and then I'm going to fix your credit. Nobody's gonna believe you. So one of the most important things that I do is the actual credit audit report.
We noticed that you're sending out special letters, just about personal information before you do any disputes. Can we talk about that?
Yes. Because whenever it comes to personal information, part of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, one of the laws is, and this is something that stuck with me in the beginning, is that everything on your credit report has to be 100% accurate. From the address to the account number there cannot be any digits off to the dates to the reporting dates. If there's one inaccuracy on that credit report, then it's an automatic deletion, right? So obviously, we would make sure that we align everything to match up with your personal information. A lot of times they didn't even have the correct spelling of your name, or they don't have your middle name right. A lot of times, a lot of these lenders don't go by your middle name or they don't have your middle name. They have your first and last name. So when you put your middle name now just can't identify as you. So it's an automatic deletion because obviously, that is a mistake on its own. So we automatically update all the personal information, make sure everything matches accordingly.
Tune in to watch the full episode here.
Thank you for being here, Rabieh!
If you still need a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Sign up here for a Free Trial!
And if you'd like to improve your credit score and learn how to earn extra income repairing credit for others, check out our brand-new Start Repairing Credit Challenge! Doors are closing soon, and it’s completely FREE, so sign up right now at startrepairingcredit.com and keep changing lives!
So take care, Credit Hero!
And Keep Changing Lives!
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