Centuries ago, ships would sail in search of an elusive treasure, only to be boarded by pirates or lost in a storm. We don’t want you to spend all your time adrift in a sea of cold calls to get credit repair leads while you start your credit repair business.
Learn four unique ways to find credit repair leads that can grow your credit repair business.
1. Social Media Presence
Create a social media presence that garners attention and credibility.
- Start a Twitter account where you engage with local financial affiliates and provide useful information toward a targeted audience (homebuyers or people looking to buy cars, for instance) with informative credit-related articles
- Search on social media platforms like LinkedIn to find groups that are specifically targeted toward financial professionals like yourself and get credit repair leads from referrals to your services
- Use Facebook events to engage a new audience with events such as a “Credit Repair 101 Webinar”
Many people don’t know that if they improve their credit score they can get a better rate on a loan or pay less over the life of a mortgage. Your social media savvy can open up their mind to possibility of a better financial future they never imagined.
2. Success Stories
Ask clients to share their success stories on your website, or your business’s Facebook or Yelp accounts. You could even create a contest that every time they share their story they are entered to win a prize. Nothing is as good as a personal story from someone people know. Encourage happy clients to share their story and help you get credit repair leads that will in turn be new satisfied clients.
3. Free Education
We mentioned hosting educational webinars in our suggestion on social media presence. You can also create videos that you share on your website to educate people about what is possible through credit repair. Much of the work in getting qualified credit repair leads is in lifting the veil of average, hardworking people who just don’t know that more is possible.
If you do share videos, consider doing a series so that you gain momentum and increase your following. Spreading a wide net for the interested will lead to more people who are qualified and who can become your next happy credit repair clients.
4. Fundraisers and Community Events
Attend events at local schools, art and wine festivals, and other local events to be known as a local expert. Read more tips in this article for more on how to be a local credit repair authority.
- Show up as a professional, be friendly, and be helpful so people want to spend time around you
- Donate credit counseling services to auctions at community events in your kids’ schools, your synagogue, and local business networking groups
- Develop your own hobbies and invite others to join: You don’t need to talk business, just develop relationships and people will eventually be curious, “So, what is it that you do?”
There is nothing people like more than to do business with a friend or an acquaintance they like. The small cost of buying a booth or simply showing up to community events will pay you back tenfold when you turn new credit repair leads into happy clients.
5. Networking Events
You will get affiliate referrals once people know who you are and how you help people.
This loan officer built a business around the hundreds of credit repair leads that she received by helping people repair their credit to qualify for a loan. Imagine how happy a loan officer or realtor will be to refer people to you knowing that they can help that person get a loan or close their own sale.
Many people in the mortgage and loan industry or car sales invest time and energy with buyers who end up not qualifying due to poor credit. Once you prove how your services help their prospects become buyers, credit repair leads from financial affiliates can become a steady stream of business for you.
Try out these unique places to find credit repair lead gold and watch your business grow before your eyes.
Learn how to run a successful credit repair business now by clicking this link for the Ultimate Guide to Starting a Credit Repair Business.
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